In Support of the Humanities

The Association increased our collaborations with the National Humanities Alliance (NHA) during the past year, making common cause with the US humanities community to support the cultivation and dissemination of research-based knowledge:

    • The Association sponsored both the 2020 Humanities Advocacy Day at the US Capitol, which Executive Director Peter Berkery attended as an advocate, and the 2019 National Humanities Conference, at which Not Far From Me: Stories of Opioids and Ohio, a joint project of Ohio Humanities and Ohio State University Press, won a Schwartz Prize for outstanding work in public humanities.
    • In response to the Association’s request, the NHA’s Humanities for All web project—a showcase of more than 1,500 publicly engaged humanities initiatives across the US—increased the number and discoverability of its university press projects.
    • Berkery and representatives from across the AUPresses community agreed to serve on a new NHA publishing and public history working group.