Association Publications

The Association’s website is host to a wide array of resources including information on members, benefit programs, job listings, policy briefs, and statistics and survey data. Over the past year, AUPresses has been working in the background to redesign the website and launch a new site of collaboration and member resources at UP Commons. These changes will take effect through spring and summer of 2020.

AUPresses bulletin

A monthly newsletter providing updates on Association programs, activities, and news from the membership, along with a slate of recommended reads from industry publications. The bulletin is distributed via email to subscribed staff at member presses.

Membership Directory

The 2020 AUPresses Membership Directory was published in January in both print and digital formats. The Directory contains contact information for key staff at member presses and partner companies, information on press publishing programs, and guidelines for manuscript submissions. The University of Chicago Press continues to distribute the Directory, and production of the print edition of the Directory was donated by Sheridan. Association members receive a discount on the Directory, and the Association may extend discount codes at publishing seminars and academic conferences.


The AAUP Wiki can be found at, generously hosted by Princeton University Press. Founded in 2006 by the Electronic Committee, past conference knowledge has been added, as have other openly shared tools. In the future, conference knowledge, handbooks, and vetted information resources from the AAUP Wiki will be transferred to the new UP Commons platform.