Engaging scholarly publishing and library colleagues in professional exchange and network-building conferences continues to be of vital importance to the Association:
- In summer 2019, P2L3 was convened in partnership with the Association of Research Libraries (ARL), a symposium for institutions where the press reports to the library.
- AUPresses continues to serve on the organizing committee for Peer Review Week. Our Acquisitions Editorial Committee hosted a virtual conversation on “Quality in Peer Review” during last year’s observance, September 16-20.
- AUPresses once again co-organized the International Convention of University Presses, held during the Frankfurt Buchmesse; Lisa Quinn (Wilfried Laurier) served as our representative to the planning group, which also included representatives from the Buchmesse and the Argentinian university press association REUN.
- In cooperation with the Library Publishing Coalition (LPC), the Association supported 2019 Cross-Pollination Grants and is sponsor of the now-virtual 2020 Library Publishing Forum.
- The Association also looks forward to supporting the third biennial UP Redux, organized by the Association of Learned and Professional Scholarly Publishers (ALPSP) and Cambridge University Press, as it goes virtual during the spring and summer months of 2020.